Innovating for Good
Monday 25 April 2022, 9am – 11am ET / 2pm – 4pm BST
Innovation has the potential to transform lives, organizations, markets, and the world around us in many profound and positive ways. Yet not all innovations are good for the world; indeed, many innovations are not even intended to do good for the world. What does academic research say about innovating for a better world?
In this session, Rajesh Chandy and Christine Moorman will host a set of leading innovation scholars to discuss the topic of “innovating for good”. In the first hour, these scholars will discuss a paper on this topic that they find inspiring and they believe could help inspire more work on the topic. In the second hour, speakers and participants will break up into small groups to discuss ideas presented in the first hour with the goal of developing research directions to pursue on this important topic. All faculty and students are encouraged to participate.
- Rajesh Chandy, London Business School
- Lan Luo, University of Southern California
- Jacob Goldenberg, Reichman University
- Christine Moorman, Duke University
- Martin Schreier, Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Olivier Toubia, Columbia University
- Alina Sorescu, Texas A&M University
- Darren Dahl, UBC Sauder School of Business
- Odziemkowska, K. and Y. Zhu (2021), “Friend or Foe: HowSocial Movements Impact Firm Innovation,” working paper
- Yu-Ting Lin, Deborah J. MacInnis, and Andreas B. Eisingerich (2020), “Strong Anxiety Boosts New Product Adoption When Hope Is Also Strong,” Journal of Marketing Vol. 84 (5) 60-78
- Toubia, Olivier, and Oded Netzer (2017), “Idea Generation, Creativity, and Prototypicality,” Marketing Science, 36(1), 1-20
- Pierre-Yann Dolbec, Zeynep Arsel, and Aya Aboelenien (2022), “A Practice Perspective on Market Evolution: How Craft and Commercial Coffee Firms Expand Practices and Develop Markets,” Journal of Marketing, forthcoming
- Pearce, Joshua M.(2012), “Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware,” Science, Vol 337 (September)
- York, Jeffrey, Siddharth Vedula, and Michael Lenox (2018),”It’s Not Easy Building Green: The Impact of Public Policy, Private Actors, and Regional Logics on Voluntary Standards Adoption,”Academy of Management Journal,61 (4), 1492-1523
- Awad, Edmond, et al. (2018) “The Moral Machine Experiment,” Nature, 563, 59-64
- Jensen, Robert (2012), “Do Labor Market Opportunities Affect Young Women’s Work and Family Decisions? Experimental Evidence from India,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, March