Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World

Journal of Marketing Special Issue: Better Marketing for a Better World

Marketing has the power to improve lives, sustain livelihoods, strengthen societies, and benefit the world at large. At the same time, marketing can have a dark side—it has the power to hurt consumers, employees, communities, markets, institutions, and the environment that surrounds us.

This Special Issue of the Journal of Marketing on Better Marketing for a Better World (BMBW) brings together wide-ranging research to assess, illuminate, and debate whether, when, and how marketing contributes to a better world. The fourteen papers in the Special Issue address four key topics—Sustainability and Climate Concerns, Economic and Social Empowerment, Health and Wellbeing, and Prosocial Giving. They use a diverse array of methods to address these topics: these include lab and field experiments, analyses of archival data, and ethnographic research. The papers offer rich insights on how to use the power of marketing for good, and they open up avenues for future research on these topics.